Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield- Prominent modernist writer

" I want, by understanding myself, to understand others"

She was born Kathleen Mansfield Beauchchamp into socially prominent family. Her father worked in Banker and she had older and younger sisters and younger brother.
she was good at playing cello,but her father objected being pro cellist. After that she stayed in London.

Later life 
She got married two times. First she married George Brown in 1909. Second marriage was with Murry in 1918, but she did not have children.
She died in 9 January 1923(aged 34)

-Modernist writer
-An assistant editor

Important Events
-In 1909, married George Brown
-published book" In German pension", but it did not sell well so she sometimes went into a mood of    depression.
-In 1913, she became an assistant editor.
-In 1917, her young brother died in France while military drill.She became infected with tuberculosis.
-In 1919, she went to Italy to get medical treatment.
-In 1921, she went to Switzerland with Murry and wrote " At the Bay" and "The Garden Party"
-In 1922, she wrote a final book"The canary"

(I) Academic awards
She did not get some prize, but after she died her novels were rated high.
(II) Books
In a German Pension(1911)
Bliss, and Other Stories(1920)
Garden Party, and Other Stories(1922) - includes the stories 'Prelude' and 'Je ne parle pas francais'


 This Video shows that her famous short story" The Garden Party"(This video was made by a certain students for a class)

<Contribution to NZ>
She is a most  famous person as New Zealander writer and she and her novel had impact on people and writers.