Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard (1847-1934)


Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool in England. After her father's death, she immigrated with her family in Cristchurch, New Zealand.
She joined WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union)  and involved in a campaign of women's suffrage movement.

Important jobs
・ joined WCTU and worked for women's suffrage
・established NCW (the National Council of Women) in 1896 and became president

Important events
・ the right for women to vote was granted in 1893 in NZ

Sheppard contriduted to women's suffrage and granted.  NZ became the first nation in the world to have the right to vote for all women ove 21 in 1893.

She established the National Council of Womenof New Zealand (NCW).

She was elected honorary vice-president of the International Council of Women in 1909.

Some countries the start of women's suffrage movement around the world.
1902. Australia
1918. Canada, Germany, England
1920.the United States
1945. France, Italy, Japan



This video shows the history how women's suffrage was granted in New Zealand.
