Freda Stark

Freda Stark

Freda Stark-Clerical worker, Dancer

 There can be no happiness if the things we believe  in are different than the things that we do.
Freda Stark.jpg

She was born in Kaeo, NZ in 1910 march 27. She was a daughter of James Stark and a shopkeeper, Isabella Bramley. Her parents moved to Auckland after her birth and she went to St Benedict's School and Epsom Girls Grammar School. When she was nine years old, she started leaning dance on her father's advice. After graduation, she worked as a clerical worker by day and dances as "L'Etoile" at night. Her performances were taps, high kicks, tumbles and hula there. Moreover she was learning classical ballet during 1930's.

After War, she moved to London and got married Harold Robinson who was a gay man from NZ. They did not divorce until 1973 and stayed good friends. Although she lived in the U.K., she often returned to NZ until 1970. After that, she returned to NZ permanently and became a secretary at University of Auckland. During the 1990's she was highly regarded as a dancer, so she celebrated in a documentary, The Mighty Civic 1989). She died in Massey, Auckland in 19 March 1999.

clerical worker by day (after graduation from school)
dancer during the evenings (after graduation from school)

She fell in love actress Thelma Trott in 1933 and they became lovers. The relationship lasted until Thelma married conductor Eric Mareo. Thelma died in 1935 because of poisoning, after that her husband was convicted of her murder. The relationship between the two women came to light during the trial.



This video describes half Freda’s life by people who connected to her.


Freda Stark was a nice dancer, celebrity, murder witness and lesbian. She influenced a lot to people and they never forget her extraordinary life.

Sakina Daimaru